Electrocutions are one of the most common causes of fatal injuries in the workplace. Non-fatal electrocutions are also particularly common on construction sites. Anything from exposed wires to faulty equipment could result in devastating injuries.
If you or a loved one was electrocuted on the job, a skilled construction accident attorney could help. Seeking out legal counsel with experience taking on these claims can provide you the advantage you need to secure compensation for your injuries. Let a San Antonio electrocution injury lawyer guide you throughout the litigation process.
Exposure to an electrical current can cause devastating injuries throughout the body. Some of the most visible injuries involve burns directly to the skin. Similar to thermal burns, exposure to electrical current can scar and disfigure the skin.
Electrocution injuries can also have life-threatening consequences. An electric shock can cause a person’s heart to stop, which will prove fatal without immediate medical intervention. If the current passes through a worker’s lungs, it can also cause respiratory arrest.
An electrical current can also wreak havoc on other parts of the body, including the kidneys and nervous system. Damage to the nerves can lead to chronic pain and other permanent health complications.
Any of these injuries could be the basis for a claim for compensation. The first step in pursuing compensation involves a discussion with an electrocution injury attorney in San Antonio.
Many people assume that if they are hurt on the job at a construction site, they will have workers’ compensation benefits to rely on. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. While the workers’ compensation system generally prevents an employee from filing a civil lawsuit against a co-worker or employer, there are important exceptions to this rule.
While the law requires employers to maintain workers’ compensation insurance for their employees, many employers shirk this responsibility. It is not uncommon for an employee to suffer an injury on the job only to learn their employer did not maintain their policy. In this situation, a workers’ comp claim would not be available, but it may be possible to sue the employer directly for an electrocution injury. If successful, this claim could result in a monetary award for the injuries and associated losses.
Additionally, the workers’ compensation system only protects employers and co-workers from a civil lawsuit. If an electrocution injury occurs due to the negligence of a third party, a San Antonio attorney may be able to file a lawsuit against that individual or company. For example, if a passing motorist negligently strikes a powerline, any resulting injuries could lead to a viable injury lawsuit.
If you were electrocuted at a San Antonio construction site, it could be in your best interest to explore your legal options. Depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to pursue a lawsuit against the responsible party.
It may not immediately be clear to you if you are able to file suit against your employer or a negligent third party. Contact a San Antonio electrocution injury lawyer to discuss your options.