The unexpected death of a loved one can be a truly shocking experience that leaves surviving family members heartbroken. After an unanticipated loss, the grieving process can often overshadow the desire to pursue legal action. However, filing a claim can be beneficial if a family member’s death was caused by someone else’s negligence.
If you lost a loved one due to the carelessness of another person, you should seek the assistance of a skilled Fort Hood wrongful death lawyer. Knowledgeable legal counsel can ease your burdens by helping you hold the negligent party responsible. While no amount of money can adequately account for the value of a person’s life, financial compensation could help alleviate some setbacks caused by the accident.
Wrongful death lawsuits empower surviving family members to hold negligent defendants liable for the death of a family member. These claims entitle plaintiffs to collect the damages they need to support themselves and their families in the absence of their loved one. Texas Statutes § 71.002 establishes that a wrongful death lawsuit may be filed if one party’s careless, reckless, or negligent act resulted in a fatal incident.
Wrongful death claims are typically submitted after the completion of a thorough criminal trial. These lawsuits can be complex and carry long-term effects, so seeking the assistance of a knowledgeable attorney can be valuable step. A skilled Fort Hood lawyer can answer any questions that an individual might have about wrongful death claims.
To be considered valid, wrongful death lawsuits require a different set of evidence from criminal cases. If the majority of a claimant’s evidence suggests that another person’s negligence led to the death, the responsible parties will assume liability for the incident. This evidentiary standard is known as a “preponderance of the evidence,” and to invoke it, a plaintiff typically must demonstrate that:
A knowledgeable attorney in the Fort Hood area can help a family compile sufficient evidence to prove that another person’s negligence caused the wrongful death of their loved one.
When a family submits a legally valid wrongful death claim, they may be eligible to collect damages to compensate for any setbacks they have suffered. For example, economic damages may provide reimbursement for lost earning ability, care, support, guidance, kinship, or any other services that the deceased would have continually provided to their surviving family members. Damages also often cover more abstract losses like emotional anguish, grief, and loss of companionship.
If a wrongful death was caused by a willful act or gross carelessness, a defendant might have to pay a grieving family in the form of punitive damages. These fines intend to punish the responsible party and prevent similar behavior in the future.
A seasoned Fort Hood lawyer can analyze the extent of a surviving family’s losses and help maximize the damages they collect in their wrongful death case.
When a family loses a loved one unexpectedly, they must navigate the grieving process while also overcoming substantial financial setbacks.
If you lost a family member due to someone else’s carelessness, you should consult an experienced Fort Hood wrongful death lawyer about filing a claim. A skilled attorney understands the legal requirements of these cases and can help your family hold the negligent party accountable. Reach out today to learn more about your options.