San Antonio Drunk Driving Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

There’s nothing like the freedom that comes from riding your motorcycle down an open highway. However, when your excursion ends in tragedy, your life could be forever changed, as well as your relationship with riding. Drunk driving motorcycle accidents happen every day, causing serious injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. Fortunately, if you’ve been hurt in one of these incidents, a San Antonio drunk driving motorcycle accident lawyer can help. Reach out to our motorcycle crash attorneys to learn more about your legal options.

What Causes Drunk Driving Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle accidents can result from any number of factors, including if the other driver is under the influence of alcohol. Drunk driving incidents are all too common, leading to serious injuries for all parties involved. However, the rider on the motorcycle is usually at risk of the greatest injury, since motorcycles do not have the same protection from crashes as standard motor vehicles.

Drunk driving accidents can be caused when the driver under the influence weaves into the wrong lane or if the drunk driver runs through a red light and collides with the motorcycle. They can also be caused by drivers being aggressive or reckless in their vehicles, deliberately driving at motorcyclists and others on the road. Whatever the cause of the accident, drunk driving wrecks involving motorcycles are often disastrous, causing serious bodily injury or even death. An attorney in San Antonio can work to determine the cause of a drunk driving motorcycle crash.

Injuries Resulting From Drunk Driving Motorcycle Accidents

Serious injuries can result from drunk driving accidents. Here are some of the most common injuries:

In addition to the physical injuries that can result from a drunk driving motorcycle wreck, serious emotional trauma can result. The injured person can struggle for years to come to terms with what happened. Therapy is often required, and the victim might even decide to never climb on their motorcycle again. Whatever the extent of the injuries, the victim deserves closure, as well as appropriate compensation for their pain and suffering.

How Can a Lawyer Help With Motorcycle Accidents?

There are many ways a San Antonio lawyer can help with a drunk driving motorcycle accident. A lawyer can work to collect evidence that establishes fault, including witness statements, photos and videos of the accident scene, police reports, and comments from medical professionals. This evidence not only proves fault but helps the injured person in receiving the maximum amount of compensation.

A lawyer can also act as an advocate for the injured person. A lawyer can stand up for the rights of the victim, providing support every step of the way and answering all their questions. The lawyer can also evaluate the case overall, establishing the best course of action and helping the injured person understand what to realistically expect. A lawyer can free up the injured person to focus on what really matters, including their medical treatment and any recommended physical and emotional therapy.

Connect With a San Antonio Drunk Driving Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

The attorneys at the Felix Gonzalez Law Firm can stand by your side every step of the way if you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident. Our attorneys are tenacious and tough, fighting for your rights and enabling you to move ahead after the stress of your crash. Contact us to speak to a San Antonio drunk driving motorcycle accident lawyer.

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