Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in San Antonio

A serious injury in a motorcycle accident can lead to emotional distress in addition to physical injuries. You and your family may suffer financial reverses and instability.

Our attorneys understand the common causes of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio. If the accident happened due to the action or inaction of another person, the legal system can hold them accountable. Contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to fight for the just compensation you and your family deserve.

What Can Cause a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle collisions in San Antonio are often caused by driver negligence toward motorcycles. Motorcycles are much smaller than cars and trucks. They can change lanes quickly and are less visible than other vehicles on the road. Car and truck drivers often make left turns without checking for nearby motorcycle activity. Therefore, they turn into oncoming motorcycle traffic, making the same left turn. Cars or trucks may also crash into motorcycles attempting to pass them on the highway. Other common causes include distracted drivers, speed exceeding road conditions, and traffic jams.

Common injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents range from broken bones, cuts, scrapes, and road rash to paralysis, head trauma, and spinal injuries. In the worst-case scenario, the victim’s family may have a cause of action seeking compensation for the wrongful death of their loved one.

Injured people must seek out medical treatment immediately. The medical records and fees become an important part of the proof in a negligence lawsuit.

How to Prove Negligence in Motorcycle Accidents

If the cause of the San Antonio motorcycle accident was the negligence of the motor vehicle driver, the law requires proof of several things to prevail. Negligence requires that an at-fault person owed a duty of care toward the motorcycle driver. The plaintiff’s attorney must prove that the defendant breached that duty of care, either by action or inaction. In addition, the plaintiff’s attorney must prove that the breach caused the accident and the accident caused the plaintiff’s injuries.

Drivers who breach the safe driver standard duty of care every driver owes to other vehicles on the road must compensate the injured person for their injuries.

For personal injury cases, a person has two years from the date of the accident to file a claim for compensation. Failing to adhere to this deadline will result in the dismissal of the lawsuit. A skilled attorney knows how the statute of limitation rules apply in each particular case.

Hire an Attorney After Negligence Causes a Motorcycle Crash in San Antonio

Our experienced lawyers have honed skills in investigating common causes of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Your attorney will review the facts of your case and assess the potential compensation. We will help you throughout the lawsuit. Your job is to focus on getting healthy again. Your legal representative will interview witnesses, preserve evidence, negotiate settlement, and present findings to the court. We stand ready to fight for your just compensation.

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