Motorcycle accidents frequently result in high damages. Not only do motorcycles have little protection from the road or from other vehicles that may hit them, but they can end up causing significant property damage. Unfortunately, motorcycle insurance claims in San Antonio can be complicated. You may find that the insurance company that covers the liable party wants to hold you liable for the accident, or you may struggle to get full compensation for the damages you sustained in the accident. Working with a motorcycle accident attorney can provide you with the tools needed to navigate the claim process.
San Antonio Motorcycle insurance claims contain several types of compensation.
First, most individuals involved in a motorcycle accident will seek compensation for the damages to the motorcycle. If another driver caused the accident, the insurance company that covers that driver will usually take care of paying out compensation for the accident. If the motorcycle rider caused the accident, and the motorcycle rider carries full coverage or collision insurance on the motorcycle, they can file a claim through their own insurance company for those damages. Uninsured motorist coverage can help cover damages in excess of what the other driver’s policy covers.
Motorcycle accidents often involve substantial injuries, which can mean high medical bills, a long hospital stay, and many financial losses during the recovery period. Injured riders can pursue compensation for their injuries in several ways. If they carry personal injury protection insurance, which insurance companies in Texas must offer to all their policyholders, they can use that coverage to take care of the initial cost of medical treatment for any injuries sustained in the accident.
Next, injured motorcycle riders can pursue compensation from the insurance company that covers the driver who caused their accident. Most insurance claims against another driver’s insurance will include compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. These damages fall under a different category than property damage.
Injured individuals in San Antonio who need to file motorcycle insurance claims will need to establish several things.
In order to file a claim, individuals who suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident will need to work with a lawyer to establish liability for the accident. That can include a comprehensive look at all the evidence from the accident, including the police report, statements from both drivers, and any witness testimony. Showing liability clearly can make it much easier for the injured individual to get the compensation they deserve.
Motorcycle insurance claims will also include a clear breakdown of all damages sustained in the accident, including the ongoing cost of medical treatment, future anticipated medical treatment, the cost of any wages lost because of the accident, and the victim’s suffering. A lawyer can help lay out all the damages the injured person has the right to include as part of the claim.
If you suffered injuries in a crash and need to file motorcycle insurance claims in San Antonio, a lawyer can help you understand your rights, seek evidence related to the accident, and lay out the damages you sustained. Contact Felix Gonzalez Accident and Injury Law Firm today to learn more.