Neck and back injuries can be painful and often debilitating as well. These all-too-common injuries can sideline your day-to-day life, create issues earning a living, and make it difficult to enjoy leisure activities. Whether you have been hurt in a slip-and-fall incident, a workplace accident, or a motor vehicle wreck, a neck and back injury lawyer can help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Our catastrophic injury attorneys are ready to support your claim.
Neck and back injuries can run the gamut from extremely painful to inconvenient and irritating. They can be caused by slip-and-fall accidents, such as when a person loses their balance on a section of wet or slippery flooring and falls.
Motor vehicle accidents can cause neck and back injuries. Some people involved in motor vehicle accidents can experience extreme pain right away, including paralysis or broken limbs, while others only discover their injuries days or weeks after the accident. Whiplash and other underlying physical trauma can cause long-term suffering in someone who’s been involved in a car, truck, motorcycle, or boating accident.
A person who suffers a neck and back injury risks more than just their quality of life. These kinds of injuries can put the injured person in danger of excessive weight gain and loss of productivity. The victim can struggle with extreme emotional trauma as well. If the injury was caused by a car or other motor vehicle accident, the injured person might not be able to get behind the wheel again for a very long time. They could be forced to undergo extensive physical therapy or treatment from a psychiatrist.
The injured person could suffer from a general loss of mobility as well. In some serious cases, spinal cord injuries can cause paralysis and immobility. This could lead someone to lose the ability to drive or earn a living. For all these reasons and more, it is best to work with a neck and back injury attorney in San Antonio, a lawyer can enhance the victim’s ability to receive the compensation they deserve.
A San Antonio lawyer can act as an advocate for the injured person in case of a neck and back claim. Personal injury cases involve a lot of paperwork and phone calls. A lawyer can assist with handling those requirements, ensuring that the person is able to return to life as usual and focus on healing rather than on lengthy calls and hearings.
An injured person can often feel lost in a sea of legal terms and jargon. A lawyer can help the victim make sense of everything that’s going on, answering questions along the way and acting as an advocate for the injured person. Some insurance companies do their best to pay out less than what a person deserves. A lawyer can stand in the gap and fight for the rights of the injured person, from the moment the claim is filed to the days after the settlement is paid out.
For the personalized help you need with your case, Feliz Gonzalez Accident and Injury Law Firm is here to serve. Contact us today to speak to a San Antonio back and back injury lawyer!