Austin Crane Accident Lawyer

As essential as cranes of all sizes and shapes are to modern construction work, these massive machines can also be extremely dangerous if they are not assembled and operated correctly. Even worse, figuring out exactly who holds civil fault for this type of accident can be particularly complicated given the sheer number of people who may be involved in putting up, using, and deconstructing a single crane.

Put simply, a lawsuit built around a crane accident is not something you should try to handle without a seasoned construction accident attorney on your side. With a knowledgeable Austin crane accident lawyer working on your behalf, you will have much better chances of establishing liability for your injuries and recovering fair financial compensation for every one of your ensuing losses.

When Can You File a Crane Accident Claim?

Depending on exactly how a crane accident happens and who ends up injured, there may be more than one way to approach the process of filing suit or demanding a settlement for those injuries. Most of the time, these sorts of claims are built around proving negligence, since crane accidents often stem mainly from a specific reckless or careless act by one or more people involved in its assembly or operation.

However, there are some situations where it may be more effective to file a premises liability claim against the owner of the property where a crane accident occurred. For example, if an accident stemmed primarily from a landowner failing to address a problem with a crane on their land, this individual might need to assume liability for the plaintiff’s injuries.

Alternatively, if a crane-related injury stems mainly from a mechanical or structural defect in the crane itself, fault for any ensuing injuries may lie with the company that manufactured and/or sold that crane, in accordance with Texas product liability law. An Austin crane injury attorney could offer more specific guidance about potential filing options during a confidential consultation.

Demanding Fair Compensation Within Filing Time Limits

Accidents involving construction cranes can lead to life-changing injuries, especially if they involve any part of the crane collapsing. Anyone who is legally liable for causing or allowing an accident like this to happen could be held financially accountable for all economic and non-economic losses stemming from the incident, including:

  • All past and future medical bills
  • Lost work earnings and/or working ability
  • Personal property damage/loss, plus costs of things like home modifications to account for permanent disability
  • Physical pain and discomfort
  • Emotional anguish and psychological suffering
  • Lost enjoyment of life, including lost consortium

However, there are strict filing deadlines for third-party lawsuits over crane injuries; Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code §16.003 establishes that most people only have two years from the date of the accident to file their lawsuit. A proactive Austin lawyer can help with gathering evidence, determining the scope of available compensation, and filing a crane accident claim on time.

Talk to an Austin Crane Accident Attorney About Your Recovery Options

Being involved in a crane accident is always a traumatic experience, even if it does not lead to any lasting physical injuries. Regardless, demanding fair financial restitution after an incident like this can be essential both to preserving your financial security now and protecting your best interests in the long run.

Assistance from a knowledgeable Austin crane accident lawyer can make a world of difference in your odds of securing the compensation you deserve. Call today to schedule a meeting.

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