Waco Crane Accident Lawyer

While cranes play an essential role in almost all modern construction projects, they can also be exceptionally dangerous to anyone using them or standing nearby. Even a small failure to follow safety procedures or a tiny defect in a single crane component could result in an accident that causes devastating injuries with long-lasting and life-changing consequences.

Fortunately, anyone injured by a crane generally has the right to recover financial compensation for their ensuing injuries and losses—something a seasoned construction accident attorney can provide vital assistance with. Even if you do not have workers’ comp coverage from your employer, a Waco crane accident lawyer can still help you pursue fair financial recovery through a third-party lawsuit that targets the negligent defendant.

Establishing Fault for a Crane-Related Injury

There are numerous people and companies involved with the assembly, operation, maintenance, and disassembly of construction cranes, each of whom could endanger another person through acting recklessly or carelessly in a way that endangers other people. Determining exactly whose irresponsible actions contributed to causing a crane accident is a vital early step in recovering compensation for ensuing injuries, as is collecting and organizing evidence proving that a specific negligent act caused the incident.

Often, fault lies with multiple people. For example, a crane may have a defect in its construction that stemmed from the manufacturer’s failure to produce safe and functional components, and it also may not have been inspected properly by contractors on a work site during the assembly process. A Waco attorney can help with identifying exactly who holds fault for a particular crane accident, establishing the percentage of total fault each involved party holds, and demanding financial restitution accordingly.

What Damages Could Be Recovered Through a Successful Claim?

Unlike workers’ comp claims, third-party lawsuits over injuries sustained in crane accidents are not subject to limitations on what types of damages the injured party can seek compensation for. A successful lawsuit can demand payment for both economic and non-economic losses, and then seek restitution for the full value of their long-term effects. For instance, a crane accident plaintiff can seek payment for both emergency medical bills that have already been assessed and the expected costs of future treatment, physical therapy, corrective surgeries, or prescription medications.

Specific damages besides medical expenses that often play a role in these sorts of claims include repayment for:

  • Lost work income
  • Reduced working or earning ability
  • Disability-related expenses for things like assistive equipment, home/vehicle modifications, and in-home care
  • Personal property damage
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and psychological trauma
  • Lost overall enjoyment of life, including lost consortium

Once again, a skilled lawyer in Waco can play a central role in identifying all recoverable damages, accurately estimating the value of future losses, and avoiding common legal roadblocks that might otherwise complicate a crane accident claim.

Contact a Waco Crane Accident Attorney for Help

No matter how it happens or who specifically is involved, any accident involving a construction crane is almost bound to cause catastrophic harm to one or more people. Getting paid fairly for damages caused by this sort of incident can be complicated on various levels, and you may have serious trouble getting any money at all without guidance from experienced legal counsel.

A capable Waco crane accident lawyer can provide the custom-tailored guidance you need to obtain the recovery you deserve. Schedule a consultation by calling today.

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