Uber/Lyft/Rideshare Accidents in Waco

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have proliferated in recent years, providing people with more transportation options than ever before. But rideshares are driven by humans, and humans make mistakes. Uber/Lyft/Rideshare Accidents in Waco could lead to severe injuries and losses. When another’s negligence caused the collision, you have a legal right to compensation. Our car wreck attorneys are ready to support your claim and secure what you need to recover.

Who Is Liable After a Crash in an Uber?

In an accident involving a rideshare vehicle, there are several parties who could be liable. The rideshare driver, their employer, another driver, the vehicle or part manufacturer, or the local municipality or government agency tasked with maintaining the roads could all be liable, depending on the facts of an accident.

For example, if the driver was driving under the influence, they could be held personally liable. If the rideshare company was negligent in hiring the driver (perhaps by failing to perform a background check or train them), the company could be held liable. Establishing liability for a Lyft collision can be a legally complex process, necessitating an investigation that calls for the experience and specialized knowledge a Waco lawyer can provide.

Relevant Rideshare Accident Laws

Rideshare drivers are subject to the same laws and regulations as other drivers on the road. If they break any laws while driving, it would imply liability for a lawsuit. While one of our Waco attorneys could advise as to the full range of applicable laws, a few pertinent sections of the Texas Transportation Code discuss Uber collisions.

One law, Texas Transportation Code § 545.424, requires drivers to keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. Another, T.T.C. § 545.425, requires drivers to signal while changing lanes or turning. Yet another, T.T.C. § 545.401, requires drivers to exercise reasonable care when operating their vehicle. A driver who causes an accident and is found in violation of one of these laws may be held liable for any resulting damages.

Investigating the Accident

One way to determine liability in a case involving a rideshare accident is by having a skilled lawyer in Waco investigate the Lyft accident. Such an investigation could involve:

  • Reviewing photo and video evidence
  • Scrutinizing the police report and witness statement
  • Conducting new interviews
  • Consulting with experts
  • Recreating the accident
  • Researching applicable laws

In addition to investigating the accident, a lawyer could also put their experience to work in determining an accurate total of damages in the case. There is not a second chance to recover once a judgment is issued or a settlement is signed, so it is important to get this number right from the start.

Contact a Rideshare Accident Attorney Today

Contact one of our experienced attorneys today for a free consultation, to discuss how we might move your case forward. Getting into an accident can be frightening and anxiety-provoking. So, too, can be facing the legal process, unless you have a practiced attorney at your side.

Get started on getting the compensation you deserve for the injuries you have suffered in an Uber/Lyft/rideshare accident in Waco.

Free Consultations. Schedule Today!