Everyone deals with a paralysis diagnosis differently. Whether you are devastated or take it more in stride, one thing is certain; life will probably never be the same. You will encounter physical, emotional, and economic challenges that were not before you until your accident. You should not have to shoulder the financial burden of being paralyzed if someone else’s negligence caused your situation. Temple paralysis injury lawyers who regularly handle such catastrophic injury cases will advocate for you to reach a settlement or damages award that accounts for your needs.
Paralysis occurs when a person no longer can feel or move a section of the body. This condition has many layers. It can be localized or generalized; it can be complete or partial. Localized paralysis affects one part of the body – such as the face or hands – generalized – impacts a significant portion of the body – as in the case of paraplegia or quadriplegia. Complete paralysis involves the total loss of muscle control, conversely with partial, some feeling or control might remain.
Regardless of the extent of the damage, a paralysis injury can inflict substantial harm resulting in significant lifestyle changes.
Recovering from a paralysis injury can be long and arduous and, in some cases, last a lifetime. In addition to the medical bills, paralytic injury patients may experience significant economic losses and incur enormous expenses putting their lives back together.
These financial burdens can range from lost earning potential to therapy and medical device costs to the price of retrofitting homes and vehicles to make them accessible. Hiring a Temple attorney practicing in this area may be a paralysis injury victim’s best hope to recover the funds necessary to meet their expenditures and address their suffering.
A paralysis injury instigated by someone else’s negligent behavior opens up the door to liability. Vehicle accidents, slip and falls, medical mishaps and defective products are common sources of paralysis. Texas law allows victims to recover for the harm experienced. Except for cases involving medical mistakes, Texas does not limit the amount recoverable for economic and non-economic damages.
These compensatory damages reimburse for actual expenses and financial losses, such as medical bills, therapy costs, medical devices, and lost wages. They also account for harm that is not as easily calculated, such as pain and suffering, disfigurement, loss of the enjoyment of life, and mental anguish.
Having an attorney familiar with paralysis injury cases on your team may be critical to securing a suitable recovery.
An injury resulting in paralysis can happen in an instant and without warning, forever changing how you look at life. Many professionals will step up to help you at this time – doctors, nurses, therapists – and legal professionals are here for you too. Talk to a Temple paralysis injury lawyer to take the necessary steps to safeguard your financial future. If you reach out today, we can start to put your mind at ease.