Getting into a bicycle accident involving a negligent automobile driver can be intensely stressful and potentially life-altering. It is important to remain as calm as possible in the aftermath of a wreck since what you do now and in the days immediately following your crash could have a huge impact on what legal options you have and what compensation you may be able to recover for your losses.
When it comes to figuring out what to do after a bicycle accident in Seguin, there is no substitute for the guidance of a knowledgeable bike crash attorney who has handled situations like yours successfully in the past.
If you are in need of emergency medical attention after getting into a bicycle accident in Seguin, your only priority after the wreck should be obtaining the care you need without worrying about any of the other actions listed below. Even if your injuries are not life-threatening, you should still call 911 or your local non-emergency line in order to make sure police come to the accident scene and take statements from everyone involved.
If the person who struck you with their car stops at the scene of the incident like they are required to by law, you should make sure to get both personal contact information and auto insurance details from them. If possible, it can also be helpful to get contact information from people nearby who witnessed the accident as it occurred and could testify to what happened.
Taking pictures or videos of the place where a bicycle accident occurred in Seguin can also be key to supporting a future civil lawsuit or settlement demand. Make sure to get photos of nearby traffic patterns and signs, damage done to all involved vehicles, including your bicycle, and injuries you sustained.
Even if you feel fine after a bicycle crash in Seguin, you should still seek diagnosis and treatment from a medical professional as soon as possible once you are cleared to leave the scene by police. Many common injuries that can happen in bicycle wrecks are not immediately obvious at the time, and getting checked out early can be key to identifying and treating those injuries before they get worse.
Soon after a bicycle wreck involving a motor vehicle occurs, you will likely be contacted by someone representing the insurance company that holds the policy of the driver who hit you. You should be very careful to only provide direct and specific answers to the adjuster’s questions, and you should speak with a legal professional before accepting any settlement offer.
If you have further questions about what to do after a bicycle accident in Seguin, a skilled bicycle injury lawyer can provide the answers and information you need during a private initial consultation. Call today to schedule yours.