New Braunfels Crane Accident Lawyer

Cranes are essential for moving heavy loads, whether lifting cargo from a ship to a loading dock or transporting building materials on a construction site. Mobile cranes move loads between locations using tracked undercarriages or hydraulic systems. Fixed cranes are grounded at a single location. Their high-lift capabilities, rotating arms, and overhead beams transfer heavy loads within a defined space.

Because of their size, cranes pose a serious threat to worker safety. If you or someone you know has suffered a crane-related injury, consult a New Braunfels crane accident lawyer. A construction accident attorney can be your advocate during the legal process.

What Causes Crane Accidents?

Operator error is the most common cause of crane accidents. Although operators should be certified for the type of crane they operate, they can still misjudge load capacity or fail to follow safety procedures. For crane operators in southern Texas, heat stress also plays a part in operator error. The following are the most common crane accidents:

  • Boom failure or collapse happens when excess pressure is placed on mechanical, structural, or hydraulic components.
  • Electrocution accidents occur when cranes are operated too close to power lines.
  • Dropped loads can result from exceeding load capacity, failing to secure loads, or having unbalanced loads.
  • Workers may fall from a crane if they do not use safety equipment, such as harnesses, wear personal protective equipment, or follow safety procedures.
  • Cranes may tip over in extreme weather conditions or when operating on uneven terrain. Excessive or unbalanced loads can also topple a crane.
  • Structural failures happen when inadequate maintenance allows potential malfunctions to go undetected.

Whether it is operator error or excessive load capacity, an injured person should consult a crane accident lawyer in New Braunfels to discuss legal remedies.

What Options Are Available to Crane Accident Victims?

The legal remedies available to victims and their families depend on the type of crane accident and any extenuating circumstances. An injury caused by a crane could lead to the following claim options:

Personal Injury or Wrongful Death Actions

If an injury is caused as a result of a third party’s negligence, the injured person can file a personal injury lawsuit for compensation. If the accident results in a fatality, the surviving family can file a wrongful death claim to compensate for their losses.

Product Liability and Insurance Claims

If a crane defect caused an accident, the injured person may file a product liability claim against the manufacturer of the faulty component or equipment. Victims or their families can also file insurance claims with applicable insurance providers for compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and other losses.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Violations

The US Department of Labor issues safety standards and regulations for crane operation through OSHA. If safety violations contribute to an accident, OSHA may investigate and issue fines to the responsible parties.

Finding a New Braunfels Crane Accident Attorney

Given the various legal options, an injured person should consult an attorney before seeking compensation. Felix Gonzalez Accident and Injury Law Firm has years of experience helping injured people pursue legal remedies for crane accidents. Contact a New Braunfels crane accident lawyer to schedule a free consultation.

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