Bicycle Safety and Preventative Measures in New Braunfels

Cyclists need to follow the same rules and laws as other vehicle operators. Most of the laws that apply to passenger and commercial cars and trucks apply to bicyclists, though they have some restrictions. For example, while the law treats cyclists like other vehicle operators, they cannot ride on freeways or other prohibited high-speed roadways.

State laws do not provide substantial protection for cyclists. The law has few mandatory safety measures and does not require cyclists to wear any protective equipment. However, cyclists can and should take steps to protect themselves when they are on the road. Reach out to our skilled attorneys to learn more about bicycle safety and preventative measures in New Braunfels.

Safety Starts Before the Ride Starts

Bicycle safety starts before a New Braunfels cyclist ever gets on the bike. Cyclists should choose an appropriately sized bicycle. Bikes that are too large can be difficult to mount or dismount and control. Bikes that are too small can become awkward and uncomfortable, making them challenging to control. Getting a bike that is the right size for the rider helps improve safety.

Before every ride, the cyclist should check the bike’s tires. They should be properly inflated. If a tire seems low, filling up the air pressure is a good idea. It is also essential to check the brakes. When applied, the brakes should lock the front tire.

If a cyclist is riding at night, they need to make sure the bike has a reflector or red light on the back and a white light on the front. Not only are they essential for rider safety, but state law requires them for nighttime riding. Plus, cyclists should wear light colors—it increases visibility, especially after dark.

Staying Safe While Biking

Cyclists may not think of bikes as vehicles, but they are. Just like drivers, cyclists should avoid cycling while intoxicated, tired, or distracted. Anything that increases reaction time and decreases attention can lead to a wreck.

Cyclists should pay attention to lane markers. Just like other vehicles, cyclists are supposed to travel on the right side of the road, in the direction of traffic. They should not travel the wrong way down one-way streets or do other prohibited actions.

Cyclists should also cross at intersections. Instead of thinking of themselves as pedestrians, cyclists need to remember that they are in charge of vehicles. Just like a car or truck should not suddenly veer to cross the road, neither should a bike.

Cyclists should not weave in and out of traffic or between vehicles. Lack of visibility is the most significant health and safety risk for cyclists in New Braunfels. Weaving in and out of cars or traffic makes it more difficult for other vehicle operators to see a cyclist.

Bike riders should also try to catch the attention of other vehicle operators. If possible, make eye contact with drivers before proceeding through intersections or making turns. Doing so increases the chances that they have seen you.

Follow Traffic Laws

Even though cyclists do not have to get a license or pass any tests, they should know all the rules of the road. In addition to having all the same rights as other drivers, bicyclists have the same responsibilities as other drivers. Cyclists should use bicycle lanes when available, observe all stop lights, stop signs, and other traffic signs, and observe laws regarding right-of-way.

One of the riskiest behaviors cyclists engage in involves running traffic lights or stop signs. This is particularly risky for children on bicycles. Parents should ensure that their kids know to come to a complete stop at stop signs or lights and how to determine when it is their turn to proceed. This preventative measure can keep a New Braunfels biker safe from harm.

Learn More About Bicycle Safety and Preventative Measures in New Braunfels

Cycling is not just a fun hobby. It is also a great way to get exercise, a right of passage for children, a way to enjoy the great outdoors, and an environmentally friendly form of transportation. The more people embrace biking for transportation and recreation, the better.

However, people need to understand bicycle safety and preventative measures in New Braunfels. If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, an attorney can help you understand whether any of your behavior contributed to the accident, as well as your legal remedies. Schedule a consultation to learn more.

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