Even the most minor burns from mishaps in the kitchen or a long day out in the direct sunlight can be painful and irritating to deal with, but severe burns can turn into life-altering injuries with permanent and debilitating consequences. Thankfully, if another person’s negligence, carelessness, or recklessness led to you getting burned, you can likely pursue financial compensation for your losses and setbacks.
When it comes to getting paid fairly for burns you suffered unfairly from another person’s misconduct, there is no substitute for representation from a seasoned catastrophic injury attorney. By working with a Live Oak burn injury lawyer, you could vastly improve your chances of recovering not just for immediately apparent losses, but also for the way that the burn will impact your life moving forward.
Even if a plaintiff has extensive evidence showing that another person caused their burns through acting carelessly or recklessly, this claimant will only have grounds to file suit if their injuries were severe enough to necessitate professional medical care. Unfortunately, this means that many first-degree burns—burns characterized by minor pain and redness that involved damage only to the outermost layer of skin, cannot serve as grounds for civil litigation, since they will often heal completely without medical attention.
Conversely, second-degree burns, which damage both the outermost epidermis layer and underlying dermis layers of skin, almost always require professional medical care to minimize the risk of long-term complications. These burns are characterized by blistering, skin discoloration, and severe pain. Particularly deep second-degree burns can result in permanent scarring even with prompt medical attention.
Third-degree burns, which completely penetrate both skin layers and damage subcutaneous fat, nerve endings, muscle tissue, or bone are exceptionally dangerous and potentially life-threatening if not treated promptly. Civil recovery for these types of burns often focuses more on mitigating long-term harm rather than completely restoring an injured plaintiff to their pre-accident state, as a Live Oak attorney can explain during a consultation.
Both economic and non-economic losses caused by or stemming from a burn injury can be incorporated into an ensuing lawsuit or settlement demand. On the economic side of things, a plaintiff can demand restitution for emergency medical expenses, lost work income, reduced or lost earning capacity, the cost of future medical care, and the cost of repairing property damage.
Non-economic damages, meanwhile, are completely subjective in value. Non-economic compensation is based on each individual plaintiff’s experience, centering around physical and/or psychological pain and suffering. A burn injury lawyer in Live Oak can help a plaintiff factor the mental and emotional impact that the accident had on their life into a compelling claim for non-economic compensation.
Virtually all burn injuries are painful, but some accidents could leave you with severe burns that change your life. If you were burned because of another person’s careless or negligent behavior, you are likely able to demand compensation for your many losses and setbacks.
A Live Oak burn injury lawyer can answer questions and provide preliminary advice regarding your filing options during an initial consultation. You should not have to settle for minimal compensation or a lifetime of pain and suffering, so reach out to our office today to schedule a consultation.