If you or your loved one were involved in an accident that resulted in paralysis, you might be feeling scared and confused. Paralysis changes many fundamental aspects of a person’s life and adapting to these differences takes time and patience.
Additionally, the financial impact of a paralytic injury could be as devastating as the physical and emotional effects. If someone else’s negligence caused the paralysis in question, you could likely file a lawsuit with the help of a hardworking catastrophic injury attorney. A Fort Hood paralysis injury lawyer could advise you about the best way to proceed.
Generally speaking, paralysis refers to the inability to feel sensations or move a body part at will. Depending on what region of the body is paralyzed and the extent of this incapacitation, other extreme side effects might occur.
For instance, problems with blood pressure could develop after a paralytic injury and increase the chances of embolism or stroke. Paralyzed people are also at higher risk of deep-vein thrombosis. When paralysis affects the lower body, an individual might experience bladder and bowel control problems and be more prone to urinary tract infections. Sexual dysfunction is also a common side-effect of paralytic injuries.
Meanwhile, becoming paralyzed could take a significant toll on a victim’s mental health. The lifestyle changes that a paralytic injury imposes could trigger depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health conditions. Thankfully, a compassionate attorney in Fort Hood could assess all the impacts of the paralysis on the injured person and their family to determine the best way to structure a civil claim.
From a legal standpoint, damages refer to sums of money that an injured person receives to compensate them for their setbacks. Special damages, often called economic compensation, provide repayment for fixed expenses associated with the injury. When it comes to paralysis cases, special damages might include reimbursement for:
Meanwhile, general damages are money that a negligent person pays to compensate for the injured person’s physical and emotional suffering. Reimbursement for lost life opportunities, shortened lifespan, diminished enjoyment of life, disfigurement, physical pain, and emotional turmoil could be included as part of a case’s general damages.
When the negligence that caused the paralysis was extreme, punitive, or exemplary damages could be appropriate. The Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §41.003 allows an individual to seek exemplary damages if they could prove that the behavior that caused the injury was malicious, fraudulent, or grossly negligent. Exemplary damages are rare but are sometimes awarded when a Judge sees fit to punish a defendant, for example, when a drunk driver causes a severe injury.
An experienced lawyer in Fort Hood can determine the scope of damages a paralyzed claimant deserves or conclude whether punitive payment might apply.
In an average personal injury case, the state’s time limit for submitting a lawsuit is two years. Anyone paralyzed by a defendant’s negligence needs to act within this timeframe.
In some cases, a local government might be responsible for paralyzing a claimant. For example, if a government employee crashed into someone’s car and left passengers paralyzed, the case might become different. When this happens, an incapacitated person needs to file their civil claim within six months of their injury.
A seasoned attorney in Fort Hood can review all the circumstances surrounding an accident to determine whether a local government might need to assume responsibility for a client’s paralytic injury.
The period after a paralytic injury is always challenging since the injured person and their loved will have to adapt to their unfortunate new reality. Thankfully, having a seasoned legal professional on your side could ease some of the stress if your life was forever changed by a defendant’s recklessness or carelessness. If you want to get started on your case, a Fort Hood paralysis injury lawyer can help you pursue the full extent of compensation you deserve. Call the office today to speak with a team member and learn more about your options.