Civil litigation can be a key component of the recovery process after any kind of injury sustained due to someone else’s negligence, especially one that affects your ability to work and make money for any amount of time. However, if your injury is physically or cognitively debilitating, the compensation you seek from the negligent defendant can be outright essential to ensuring you can maintain a reasonable quality of life for decades to come.
Once retained, an Austin catastrophic injury lawyer can be a steadfast ally from start to finish of a case with stakes as high as this. No matter how dramatically your injury is expected to change your personal and/or professional life, your seasoned personal injury attorney can fight tenaciously on your behalf to get you as much financial compensation as possible.
Since “catastrophic injury” has no formal definition under Texas law, it is largely just a colloquial term used by legal professionals and court authorities to refer to injuries expected to cause permanent disability and/or disfigurement, such as spinal cord trauma, brain damage, and severe burns. In practice, this means civil cases built around catastrophic injuries are just like other personal injury cases in terms of the procedural rules and legal restrictions imposed upon plaintiffs.
To seek compensation after a catastrophic injury, it is almost always necessary to establish legal negligence by a named defendant. For instance, if a defendant violated their duty to act responsibly and caused a serious injury through this breach of their duty, they can likely be held accountable for the resulting losses and setbacks. Depending on the circumstances, a breach of duty could include a property owner not caring for their land properly or a motor vehicle driver causing a wreck and catastrophic injuries by breaking a traffic law. Regardless of the situation, a dedicated Austin attorney can collect evidence and help prove negligence in a catastrophic injury case.
Regardless of exactly what type of misconduct causes a catastrophic injury, a plaintiff can usually seek compensation for both the short- and long-term effects of the accident. For instance, a comprehensive civil claim can demand repayment for:
Among other things, a skilled lawyer in Austin can provide vital assistance with identifying and accurately valuating the expected future losses associated with a catastrophic injury.
No one deserves to suffer permanent physical harm because another person was careless or reckless around them. Unfortunately, this exact scenario plays out all too often statewide. Without seasoned legal counsel on your side, you may have difficulty holding the person who hurt you legally at fault for their actions and recovering the compensation you deserve.
An Austin catastrophic injury lawyer can go over your rights and recovery options in detail during a private consultation. Call today to schedule yours.